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Minnesota State College Southeast Foundation


Whether you graduated with a degree, diploma, or certificate from Minnesota State College Southeast — or from our former campuses of Red Wing Technical College and Winona Technical College — you are a valued member of the Southeast community. Please keep in touch with us by filling out an online alumni profile form, or email

Alumni Updates

2023 Outstanding Alumni Award Winners

Julie Jurgenson 2023

Red Wing - Julie Jurgenson

Jesse Horn 2023

Winona - Jesse Horn


Events & Volunteer Opportunities

March - 21 (Fri.)
Strings, Winds & Brass - RW 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Join us as students, faculty, staff, and friends of Minnesota State College Southeast share their musical artistry and creative talents with the Red Wing community. [The Sheldon Theatre, Red Wing]
May - 15 (Thu.)
Student Guitar Show - RW 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
See and hear students' beautiful new acoustic guitars and mandolins played in concert by professional musicians. [Red Wing Campus]