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On Campus and Online Tutoring
- Tutoring services are free for all enrolled students.
- Professional and student tutors are available (see Types of Tutoring)
- Drop-in tutoring may be available, as well. Please call or stop by the Academic Support Center front desk for additional information.
Six Things to Know About Tutoring
- You deserve and will receive good customer service. If you experience problems, please reach out to the Academic Success Coordinators in the Academic Support Center.
- Tutoring takes time and tutors ask lots of questions. Tutors will work through things with you and then ask you to do some things on your own. We cannot do the work for you.
- The tutors may have had a different instructor for the class they are tutoring you with, or they may be a professional tutor and may not have taken the class before. They will work with you to figure things out.
- Come in for tutoring early and often. Tutoring is difficult if you come in just before an exam or before a large project is due.
- Tutors may choose to work through similar problems with you instead of your exact homework problems. Our goal is to help you become an independent learner.
- We know how frustrating it can be to not understand the material. We are so happy you are seeking out tutoring assistance. Successful students use tutoring!
Tutoring Expectations
Tutoring is a great way to get support after you've started your assignments. Tutors can help clarify concepts, review your work, and offer tips. To make the most of your session, please:
- Bring all relevant materials (textbook, notes, assignments, etc.)
- Complete assigned readings before the session
- Prepare a list of questions or areas you're struggling with
- Try the work on your own before the session
Note: Academic Support Center Coordinators may limit tutoring hours/frequency of sessions based on professional judgment and best practices.