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Career Services Job Postings

Job opportunities for students and alumni

Feedlot Officer-Land Use & Natual Resources - Environmental FEEDL001508 - 12.17.24

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Winona County is accepting applications for this position until 4:00 p.m. January 20, 2025.

This positions tasks and responsibilities will consist of about 50% feedlot officer, 25% drinking water, and 25% all other duties as assigned.

Please attach a sample technical report with appendix to your online application.

This position starts at $29.60/hour (DOQ) with advancement up to $37.94/hour.

Characteristics of Class:
Under general supervision of the Planning and Environmental Services Director, an employee in this position is responsible for the administration of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Feedlot Program. An employee in this classification responds to directions from the MPCA, County Board, Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and the Planning and Environmental Services Director to enforce the Winona County Zoning Ordinance and all associated ordinances and regulations and the adherence to and the promotion of the County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Water Management Plans.

An employee in this position assists feedlot operators in the development of feedlot management plans and implementation of best management practices; performs public relations activities including speaking to community groups and participating in educational workshops; develops and maintains a computerized feedlot data base; assists with implementation of the County Comprehensive Water Plan and Wetland Conservation Program. Work is performed in an office or in the field under conditions causing moderate to high risk of discomforts.

Examples of Duties:
Any one position may not include all duties listed, nor do the examples listed in their relative order of importance include all duties that may be found in positions of this class.

  • Coordination/administration of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Feedlot Program, including budgeting and administration responsibilities for the County Program Base Grant and other grant initiatives in which Winona County is an active participant.
  • Review engineering plan sets for livestock feedlot facilities and structures to ensure compliance with feedlot rule requirements and reviews manure/nutrient management plans and records to ensure compliance with feedlot rule requirements.
  • Coordinate hydrogen sulfide monitoring of feedlots and investigate emergency manure related spills or runoff events and assists with the cleanup oversight. Provide communications and documentation with agency, as required.
  • Provide permit application forms and assistance to applicants, maintain a computerized permitting database and inventory consisting of permits and property records.
  • Administer the County Feedlot Ordinance; recommend ordinance amendments where appropriate.
  • Receive and review completed applications and conduct necessary site inspections and analysis; check for compliance with relevant County ordinances and State statutes; and recommend abatement measures to mitigate any identified pollution hazard.
  • Work closely with the Winona County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to evaluate and interpret data to determine the potential pollution hazard from individual feedlots; evaluate and interpret the individual feedlot data to determine potential pollution hazard on a County and watershed-wide basis; determine the degree of pollution hazard or potential pollution hazard with the use of the FLeval & Minnfarm computer model.
  • Develop and promote education programs that increase the public's awareness of feedlot issues and the best management practices for feedlots.
  • Develop and implement a program to monitor the operation of all permitted feedlots. Maintain a record of all complaints and the action(s) taken. Work to achieve compliance, including legal action in conjunction with the County Attorney's Office.
  • Assist in the administration of the County Land Use and Natural Resource Ordinances: assist in coordinating activities to implement or amend the comprehensive water plan; assist in the implementation of the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991.
  • Investigate inquiries and complaints pertinent to the assigned programs.
  • Consult and coordinate with other government agencies including SWCD, MN Department of Ag, and/or the Department of Natural Resources as needed.
  • Assist the Planning and Environmental Services Director with receiving, preparing and forwarding of applications and petitions to the County Board of Commissioners, the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment.
  • Any other duties as assigned.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
Any combination of training and experience providing the following knowledge, skills, and abilities.

For Pre-Employment:
* Bachelor's degree in planning, environmental science, agriculture, biology, chemistry, or a related field with course work in soils, water quality, GIS, geology, or production agriculture; OR a two-year associate degree in environmental science, agriculture, or a related field and two years of relevant full-time work experience.
* Must possess and maintain a valid driver's license.

Please apply here:  Winona County