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Strings, Winds & Brass coming up in March

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Strings, Winds & Brass coming up in March at The Sheldon in Red Wing; auditions are on February 19

Strings Winds Brass image

Every year, Minnesota State College Southeast presents Strings, Winds & Brass at the historic “jewel box” Sheldon Theatre. It’s an opportunity for the students, faculty, staff and friends of the college to share their talents with the Red Wing community. This year the show is on Friday, March 21, 2025 at 7 pm, and tickets are already on sale at the Sheldon box office.

Minnesota State College Southeast's signature band instrument repair, violin repair & making, and guitar repair & building programs draw students from across the United States, many with advanced music education and performance degrees.

While most of the participants in SWB come from the music programs, students from business and nursing have performed in recent years – and anyone from the college (including the Winona campus) is invited to audition! Solo acts, duets, and larger ensembles are welcome.

Auditions will take place on Wednesday, February 19 from 10:30 am to noon, Room 314, Red Wing. Auditions are judged by a panel of local arts and music professionals.

“The best part of auditioning is getting an ensemble together to rehearse. It’s a great way to connect with others who share your musical interests, whether you play classical, jazz, rock, or something entirely different,” said Southeast’s communications director, Katryn Conlin. She has been a performer in various folk, Celtic, and bluegrass ensembles in SWB many times over the years.

Some of the most interesting acts she remembers include a jump-roper with fiddle music, a 32-piece brass band, and a punk rock group anchored by electric hurdy-gurdy. 

To participate, pick up an Audition Form at the Red Wing front desk and turn it in by Friday, February 14 at noon. If you can't make it to campus, you can download an Audition Form (PDF) and return by email to John Huth ( by the posted deadline.

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